Adult Classes

Adult Aikido Classes

Whether you are looking for fitness, agility, flexibility, coordination, self defense training, knowing how to take a fall and not get hurt or you are excited to excel in the field of martial arts, Aikido of Escondido is here for you!
Kaizenshinkan’s Adult Aikido program focuses on adults 15+ years of age.  Although Aikido is primarily a self defense art, it has as one of its philosophical pillars the notion of being in harmony with your attackers rather than being in conflict with them. Students learn Aikido techniques which express elements of philosophy, psychology, and physics. As you learn the movements, you will, at the same time, train your minds, improve your health and develop self-confidence.

Adult Class

During an Aikido training class, partners work in harmony with each other, learning when and how to yield, how to lead and guide another person’s movements and how to control an opponent through non-resistive techniques. Students practice techniques for blending with and neutralizing punches, kicks, grabs, and other assaults. In the beginning, these attacks and movements are pre-arranged and later move on to free attacks and responses. As students progress they will deal with faster attacks, increasing resistance, weapons and multiple attackers. This training develops balance, flexibility, and coordination, as well as concentration and self confidence in the face of an attack. Overall, aikido training is designed to help students develop a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional skills, as well as a greater understanding of the principles of the art. It is a holistic practice that can benefit practitioners in many areas of their lives.

Formal class procedures (listed below) involve structure, discipline and respect. Please take a look at our current class schedule and feel free to stop by the dojo to observe a class or contact us by phone or email (760.738.8022, [email protected]) to learn more or to schedule a trial class. Please review our class enrollment page to check if we are accepting new students and to see membership plans and pricing.


Beginning of Class

⦁ Try to be in the dojo facility fifteen to thirty minutes before the scheduled beginning of class. Punctuality is important. Allow enough time to make a smooth transition from street to dojo. The feeling will carry over to the class and enhance the training.

⦁ A customary bow as you enter the training hall.

⦁ Bow when stepping on or off the mat in the direction of the shomen (front wall) and the picture of the founder.

⦁ The mat should be cleaned before the beginning of the first class. The mat is where we meet to train and its condition sets the tone for the dojo and the training that take place upon it. If you are early, feel free to volunteer your services. Your help is greatly appreciated.

⦁ The instructor will signal the students to line up facing the front with the senior students starting the line from the right side.

⦁ The instructor sits seiza (formal kneeling position) in front of the class, facing shomen (front wall). The instructor will initiate a bow to the front and all students will bow.

⦁ The instructor turns to face the class and bows. All bow, saying :Onegaishimasu” (please share). The class begins.

⦁ Make sure your uniform is clean and your nails are trimmed. Avoid wearing jewelry or watches during training, as they can be dangerous or cause injury to oneself or others. Observe proper hygiene, including washing hands and wearing deodorant.

⦁ If you are unavoidably late, you should be seated beside the mat until the instructor signals for you to join the class. Bow as you get on the mat.

During Class

⦁ The proper way to sit on the mat is in seiza. If you have a knee injury, you may sit cross-legged, but never sit with legs outstretched or lean against walls or posts. You must be alert at all times.

⦁ Do not leave the mat during practice without first asking for the instructor’s permission.

⦁ You should sit quietly and attentively in seiza when the instructor demonstrates a technique during class. After the demonstration, bow to Sensei and then to a partner and begin practice.

⦁ When the end of a technique is signaled, stop immediately, bow to your partner, and line up with the other students.

⦁ Never stand around idly on the mat; you should be practicing or waiting your turn.

⦁ When receiving personal instruction during class, you may stand or sit in seiza and watch. Bow to the instructor when she/he has finished.

⦁ When the instructor is instructing another student, you may stop your practice and watch. Sit formally and bow to her/him when he is finished.

⦁ If you know the technique being studied and you are working with someone who does not, you may lead the person through it, but do not assume the role of the instructor. You are here for practice; do not force your ideas on others. At the same time, respect those more experienced.

⦁ If you are unsure of what to do in a particular situation ask a senior student or simply follow her/his lead. Although at first there will be many forms of etiquette to remember, they will become natural as you continue to train. Please do not be resentful if you are corrected on a point of etiquette.

⦁ Always train within the ability of your partner. Do not practice so as to injure your partner. You are both responsible for each other.

⦁ Please be aware at all times of those around you as you take ukemi (falling), or are throwing your partner. Train to develop awareness in all directions.

End of Class

⦁ The instructor signals the end of the class. Students sits seiza facing shomen.

⦁ The instructor sits seiza (formal kneeling position) in front of the class, facing shomen (front wall). The instructor will initiate a bow to the front and all students will bow.

⦁ The instructor turns to face the class and the senior student or assistant instructor calls out “Sensei ni rei!” All bow, saying “Domo arigato gozaimashita, Sensei” (Thank you very much teacher).

⦁ The instructor signals for all the students to thank each other. All students bow to and thank everyone with whom they practiced during the class.

⦁ The mat should be cleaned after the last class. As before, your help is much appreciated.

⦁ A customary bow before you leave the training hall is required.

Safety is the first priority of the dojo. All rules are meant to keep the students from getting injured and contribute to their success in the art of Aikido.